Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week 5 # Wikis

How conveniant for everyone! Looking at the different wikis that were provided by libraries 2.0, already i can see how helpful and interesting they are!!! It showed me that there are all different types of wikis. Ranging from the more serious once (like book lovers) to the ones that are mocking and funny (wookieepedia).

Wikis are a great way to communicate and stay in contact with people and allows information to be more orginsed. I love how you can edit the pages by clicking "edit page" (and putting in your user name and password!). It is a great way to access knowledge of a range of different people and usually ones that know more about a subject that i do! hehe.

In libraries it would be a great way to communicate and orginise events (escpecially in our library as we have a number of branches) without the hassel of emails and long phonecalls..


Week 4 # RSS Feeds

I can't say that this week was one that i truely enjoyed. I found it difficult to find the eeds to use and i think it would be just as easy to search for the information you want as you need it. Although i do understand how it could be of help to some people and how it could be used in libraries as it would make it somewhat easier for members of the public and also staff members to gather informations about authors, publishers and the library etc..

Whilst browsing the sites to feed onto my page, i did come across some interesting ones. Like the ABC website (ABC News). This would be helpful and allow you to be updated with the news. Unfortunatly i did not find any other library blogs!!! =[

As i have previously stated i think the RSS Feeds could prove to be useful in the library to gather needed information quickly and officially. I just dont think this is the thing for me!!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Flikr Images

This picture that i found on "flikr" is pretty much what i feel about using this whole images thing. it was so confusing. i had to set up so many different accounts to just get one image!! It left me feeling all of the above images =] hopefully it will become easier!